New Build House – Progress report

Since the last up date nearly two weeks ago things have progressed quite well and the place is starting to take shape. The brick and blockwork was initially built up to dpc level which enabled the concrete floors to be poured. The foul drainage runs have been installed and these have also been passed by the approved inspector.

Brick and blockwork has since been built up to about 1200mm above internal floor level and this will continue over the next weeks. The scaffolding will be next to arrive on site to enable the lifts of brickwork above head height to be progressed.

A notable arrival on site has also been the rainwater harvesting tank which is nearly ready for installation. This 3750l tank will be buried under the rear garden. It will collect rainwater from the roof of the property for storage and later use within the house for flushing wc’s, and supplying the washing machine. Externally is will provide water for the garden and has been supplied by based in Wirral.


With the progress, one can already start to feel the spaces of the house developing. There is a lounge to the front of the dwelling which will have a long glazed element to the front. The opening has just started to be formed and you start to get the feeling of what it may be like to sit in there when it is complete and enjoy these fantastic views over the fields beyond.

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Tweets that mention New Build House Wirral - progress | bromilow architects ltd. --
05/02/2011 10:26 am

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stephen Bromilow, Sally Bromilow. Sally Bromilow said: New blog post New Build House – Progress report: Since the last up date nearly two weeks ago things have progre… […]

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